Report: The Great Resignation - why employees are leaving, and what to do about it

Amid the chaos and constant change of the pandemic workplace, a business health crisis has emerged - the Big Quit, also known as the Great Resignation or the Great Attrition. In August 2021 alone, 4.3 million Americans quit their jobs. But what exactly is motivating them to leave their existing employers, sometimes without another job offer on the table?

After nearly two years weathering a global pandemic, burnout, poor mental health and the support companies offer (or lack) are key factors in why people are staying...or leaving.

Download this report to learn:

  • The price companies pay for increased attrition 
  • How to identify risk factors for turnover in your workplace
  • What you'll need to build a culture of mental health
  • Steps to become a workplace people don't want to leave
  • And more


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